About Us

In over thirty years of history in Construction, Development, Landmark and Historical Restoration, Apollon Group, LLC has established a successful track record and impressive list of achievements.

Under the visionary leadership of the founder, Mr. George Fakiris, company has cultivated critical expertise in all facets of commercial and residential construction and development. Application of modern construction and project management methodology , uncompromised quality control, delivery on time and within the budget, have been and remain vital mission critical components for the successful outcome of Apollon’s projects. Team of Apollon Group, LLC has a deep understanding of uniqueness and dynamic of project management landscape: from traditional to adaptive and extreme. Our projects are drivers of innovation and change, making our organization better, more efficient and stronger. We are equally focused not only on meeting time and budget goals, but more importantly on business results.

Innovation and experience help us better understand:

-how to adapt the most effective management style for each project and respond to variables, complexities and uncertainties

-how to communicate project development to team members

-how to identify performance drivers

-how to strategically, realistically and accurately allocate project resources

-how to maintain sufficient attention to project requirements- one of the most important success factor in project lifecycle

-how manage requirements across multiple domains and technologies

-how to mobilize human and other vital resources in shortest time

Successful completion of our construction projects is the result of application of additional, special ingredient: passion and dedication in building communities, houses, multi family units, office and commercial buildings.

Apollon Mission Statement

Using Dedication, Restoration and Development expertise as tools to preserve Landmarks and Buildings and return them to the viable use.

Examples of Apollon Group LLC Projects

Company acted as a Developer, General Contractor and Project Manager

See Them Here